Grose Misconduct
Canadian comedian and former radio talk show host Andrew Grose and Edmonton Comedy Festival Director, Carole McIlvride Grose produce a hilarious bi-weekly show that will have you laughing out loud. The pair share their contradictory views on current events around the world, politics, life and each other. Regular segments include their "Dicks, Dumbasses, Idiots, Karen's and Assholes of the week", "Michelle's Random Thought", What Does Kevin Think?", "Dawn's Fact Check", "The Doctor's Office", "The BIG Blue Folder" of odd stories and "How Smart is Carole?" While sometimes informative, this Edmonton podcast is always entertaining.
Grose Misconduct
Westjet Sucks
In this episode:
- Mike’s Rewind
- Angry, angry Andrew – El bandido Toalla, Westjet
- Dawn’s Fact Check
- Listener Questions, Comments & Reviews
- Michelle’s Random Thought – Naps
- Dick of the Week – Wendy’s managers
- Liar – Landlord charges for damages
- Crazy – Shasta County Official in league with the devil
- Asshole – Parent wants book banned
- Freak-out – San Diego Airport freakout
- Dumbass of the Week – Burglar on toilet
- Checking in with the Airlines – WestJet
- What Does Kevin Think? – Organ donation
- The Doctor’s Office – Fat free or sugar free?
- How Smart is Carole? – Movie Trivia
- The Big Blue Folder
- We get played out by John Denver
- Out-takes
This episode of Grose Misconduct was sponsored by Crystal Glass, Leading Edge Physiotherapy, Ol’ MacDonald’s Resort, Arena Auto Service, Meathead Butcher Shop, Twin Otter Neighbourhood Pub, Daybreak Photo and The Edmonton Comedy Festival.
@CrystalGlassLTD @LeadingEdgePT @Macker63 @yegcomedy @mikedmonton @DawnsFactCheck @docTonyM @MeatHeadInc